Quan Yin Prayer For You Today:

“Quan yin’s message to you today:”

“May everyone have the wisdom to make good choices”


In this world, there are so many choices that we have to make. We might be faced with a difficult decision, or we might be tempted to do something that we know is wrong. But it’s important to remember that we have the wisdom to make good choices.

At times, we might not be sure what the right thing to do is. But if we listen to our hearts, and we act with compassion, we will always make the best choice.

When we act with wisdom, we can see the consequences of our choices. We can make decisions that are in our best interests, and that will lead us to a life of happiness and fulfillment.

But when we act without wisdom, we can make choices that are harmful to ourselves and to others. We can end up in a situation that is far from ideal, and that we regret.

Remember, Quan Yin is always with us, ready to bestow blessings and protection. So when we act with wisdom, we can be sure that we are making the best choices for our lives.

“Quan Yin’s prayer for you today:”

“May everyone have the wisdom to make good choices.”

I will think before I act.

I will make decisions that are in my best interests.

When we act with wisdom, Quan Yin is always with us, ready to bestow blessings and protection.

So today, take a moment to reflect on Quan Yin’s messages and see how they apply to your life. Say a prayer or simply offer up some good thoughts for yourself and others. Quan Yin always with you.

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