Today, Quan Yin is asking you to focus on the abundance that is already present in your life. This includes money. Take a moment to reflect on all the ways money has blessed you in your life.
Think about the roof over your head, the food on your table, and the clothes on your back.
How often do we take for granted the very things that sustain us? The roof over our head keeps us dry and protected from the elements. The food on our table nourishes our bodies. Both of these things are essential to our survival, yet we often take them for granted.
All of these things were purchased with money. And they are all a blessing in your life.
Allow yourself to receive the abundance that is coming to you. Be receptive to the abundance of money that is flowing into your life. Allow yourself to be blessed with financial abundance.
So today, take a moment to reflect on all the ways money has already blessed you in your life. And know that Quan Yin is with you, opening up the channels for even more abundance to flow into your life.
I am grateful for the abundance of money that is already present in my life.
I open myself up to receive even more blessings of financial abundance.
Thank you for blessing me with financial abundance. I am grateful for your blessings of abundance in all areas of my life. Amen.