Quan yin’s message to you today: “ I am confident and secure in my ability to attract money and abundance into my life”
Many of us have a fear of money. We worry that we’ll never have enough. We’re afraid that we’ll never be able to retire or that we’ll end up homeless and penniless. But these fears are unfounded. The truth is, you have everything you need within you to attract money and abundance into your life.
All it takes is a little bit of faith and confidence. Know that you are worthy of attracting money into your life. Have faith that the Universe will provide for you. And know that Quan Yin is with you, helping you to manifest your desires.
But these fears are unfounded. Money is a tool that can be used to create the life you want. It’s not something to be feared.
Quan Yin is asking you to release your fears about money and instead focus on your ability to attract abundance into your life. Know that you are confident and secure in your ability to do so.
Allow yourself to receive the abundance that is coming to you. Be receptive to the abundance of money that is flowing into your life. Allow yourself to be blessed with financial abundance.
So today, take a moment to reflect on all the ways money flows into your life. And know that Quan Yin is with you, opening up the channels for even more abundance to flow into your life.
Remember that you are worthy of attracting even more abundance into your life. And know that Quan Yin is with you, confident and secure in your ability to attract money and abundance into your life.
I am confident and secure in my ability to attract money and abundance into my life.
I open myself up to receive even more blessings of financial abundance.
Thank you for blessing me with financial abundance. I am grateful for your blessings of abundance in all areas of my life. Amen.