When you open yourself up to receiving all forms of abundance, you create a life of wealth and prosperity. As you open yourself up to receiving all forms of abundance, you begin to create a life of wealth and prosperity.
It is only when you are receptive to good things coming your way that you can start to see real change in your circumstances.
Prosperity comes from unlikely places – be open to its many manifestations and watch your life transform for the better.
Allow yourself to receive the abundance that is coming to you. Be receptive to the
abundance of money that is flowing into your life. Allow yourself to be blessed
with financial abundance.
But also be open to other forms of abundance, such as love, health, and happiness. All good things are coming your way. Be open to receiving all forms of abundance and watch your life transform for the
So today, take a moment to reflect on all the ways money has flowed into your life. And know that Quan Yin is with you, blessing you with an abundance of all
good things.
Allow yourself to receive the abundance that is coming to you. Be receptive to the abundance of money that is flowing into your life. Allow yourself to be blessed with financial abundance.
I open myself up to receive even more
So allow yourself to receive them all.
And be grateful for the many blessings of abundance that are coming your way. Amen.