Quan Yin Prayer For You Today:

“Quan yin’s prayer to you today:”

“I pray for your happiness, so that you may always radiate your inner light.”


We all have an inner light that radiates from within us. This light is our happiness. When we are happy, we are able to see the good in every situation. We are also able to attract more blessings into our lives.

We all have an inner light that radiates from within us. This light is our happiness. When we are happy, we are able to see the good in every situation. We are also able to attract more blessings into our lives.


When we are unhappy, however, we tend to focus on the negative aspects of our lives. We may even attract more negativity into our lives as a result. It is important to remember that happiness is a choice. We can choose to focus on the positive or the negative. It is up to us.


If you find yourself feeling unhappy, try to focus on the positive things in your life. Consider all of the things that you are grateful for. This can help shift your perspective and remind you of what is truly important in life. You may even find that your happiness increases as a result.


Happiness is something that we all deserve to experience. It is our birthright. Choose to focus on the positive things in your life today and see how your happiness increases as a result.


Quan Yin’s Prayer Today: 


“I pray that I will find happiness in every moment. I pray I will see the good in every situation. I pray that my inner light may shine brightly each and every day.”

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