Quan Yin Prayer For You Today:

“Quan yin’s prayer to you today:”

“Protect me against all forms of harm, including physical, emotional, and mental harm”

 We live in a world where there is so much negativity. There is so much pain and suffering, and it can be overwhelming at times. It is important to ask for protection against all forms of harm, including physical, emotional, and mental harm.

When we ask Quan Yin for protection, we are asking her to surround us with her love and light. We are asking her to guide us towards safety and peace. We are asking her to keep us away from harm’s way.


By doing this, we are asking for help from a higher power to keep us safe from harm. We are also asking for strength to deal with whatever challenges we may face in life.


When we pray to Quan Yin, we are asking for her protection and guidance. We are asking for her help in dealing with the difficulties in our lives. Quan Yin is known as the “Bodhisattva of Compassion”. She is a being of great compassion and love. When we pray to Quan Yin, we are tapping into her infinite compassion and love. This can help us to deal with our challenges in a more positive way.


It is said that when we ask for protection from Quan Yin, we are asking for her assistance in transcending the limitations of our own karma. By doing so, we can be free from the cycle of reincarnation and achieve enlightenment.


In addition, Quan Yin is also known as the Buddha of Compassion, and as such, she can help us to develop compassion for ourselves and others. By asking for her protection, we can tap into her boundless compassion and receive the strength and courage we need to face the challenges in our lives.


So if you are feeling scared or vulnerable, know that you can reach out to Quan Yin for help. She is always there for you, offering her protection and guidance.


 Dear Quan Yin,

“I am grateful for your protection against all forms of harm. I am safe from physical, emotional, and mental harm. I am surrounded by your love and light.


I am guided towards safety and peace. I am kept away from physical, emotional, and mental harm. I know that I can face any challenge when I have your guidance and support.

I am surrounded by your love and light. I am shielded from all that is harmful. I am safe and protected at all times.

Thank you for being with me always. Amen.”

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